
a photo of how i have set up my desk space at home

My Working From Home Set-Up

As you know, not only did I move house recently, but I also started a new job, plus I am completing my PhD part time. Having a comfortable and functional workspace is vital for me. With so much on, its clear I would be spending a lot of time in this space. I can work anywhere short-term, but for me to be productive and feel settled, I really need a dedicated space that is set up for purpose. So, this space was a necessity for me to feel content working at home.

picture of an envelope, writing paper and a pencil

Writing to Birth Parents

Twice per year I write a letter to our son’s birth parents and this is always a time of contemplation for me. I often think about how lucky we are to have our son, how thankful we are that we have bonded and gelled as a family, but I also reflect on how having a child taken away must have hugely hurt and scarred the birth parents.

house move cardboard boxes of belongings in the new house

New House, New Job!

Well hello! how are you? So sorry that I have been quiet over the past few months but its been a bit chaotic to say the least. We sold our house in Bristol after almost two years on the market. And we made the move across country to Glasgow, so we made our plans come true. I’ve also changed jobs and its all just been go go go!

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